Акопян Алина Павловна

Оригинал статьи в Википедии: Памятник «В память о революции 1905 года»


Monument «in memory of the revolution of 1905» is a monument in Taganrog. It is located at the intersection of Zavodskaya street and P. E. Osipenko street [1]. A historical monument entered in the register «Objects of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation» [2].


The monument represents a cage installed on a low stone pedestal of an old pipe-rolling unit. On this cage there is a memorial plaque with the inscription: «Here on December 17, 1905, an armed clash of workers of the metallurgical and boiler plants with the police occurred»


The monument was opened on December 30, 1926 [1]. On it was a plaque with the text: «A memorial plaque in memory of the battles of the Taganrog proletariat with a counter-revolution in Taganrog on January 30 (17), 1918» [1]. This Board was removed during the occupation of Taganrog (1941-1943). After the liberation of the city, a new Board was installed, but with the text of the events of 1905[1].

By the decision of the Small Council of the regional Council № 301 dated November 18, 1992 the monument «in memory of the revolution of 1905» was given the status of a historical Monument called «the place of collision of workers of metallurgical and boiler plants with the police. In the register of objects of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation the monument is registered under number 6101167000.




[1]Киричек М. С. Музей под открытым небом. — Таганрог: ИП Стадников, 2010. — С. 61. — ISBN 978-5-9901455-3-5.

[2]↑ Wiki Loves Monuments logo — Russia — without text.svg Объект культурного наследия № 6101167000 https://tools.wmflabs.org/ru_monuments/wikivoyage.php?id=6101167000

[3]↑ И дольше века льётся сталь / Под ред. Н. И. Фартушного. — Ростов-на-Дону: Принт-Сервис, 2006. — С. 16.


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